Thursday, January 1, 2009

A New Year,New Day and New .........

Hye,last midnight is the New Year but I just stay at home and watching television.I don't have mood to go out to see the firework or concert for new year celebration.Don't ask why.

Since last week I spent my time to read my friends' blog.It's quite interesting if we know what other feeling for the year 2008 and their target for the year 2009.Also their story of life.I actually didn't like to tell anybody about my life or lifestyle.If it can benefits someone it okay.Thats why in my blog there are few of my life story.I more interest towards giving facts and figure that can help the community rise to be a great nation.That why I put my blog name 'Be Yourself'.Maybe someone would say.If we be ourselves we can't improve because we think our own way is better than others.That is wrong.

Tha first thing we have to realize that in this world,God have made man but with different characters to make us learn from each others.We can be Brad Pitt or Shah Rukh Khan or The famous actor in Twilight but we still cannot be same like them because we are we.Not someone else.We can learn their character to make it suitable with us but we cannot like them.So,it is better to be ourselves.

Same in study.Many students tend to copy or learn same like someone who always get highscore in the school.But they not realize their own potential.When we try to learn like someone else,we cannot get full benefit and it willl become worse if we cannot cope wisely with the technique.The important things for student is to find their own potential.When the right time for memorising,calculation and reading.It is important because we doesn't have the same right time for that.The expert or counselor only can give the way to us but we ourselves have to find it by ourselves if we want the life to be happy and enjoyable without having a serious stress and tension when come to the final exam.

Hopefully,this first post can help us to think again about ourselves,to improve ouselves, to be better than last year and to be a great man everyday.I hope it can help us to achieve our target in this year.

Social life can benefits us if we can control ourselves.

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