Monday, February 11, 2008


Now,we as the SPM 2007 leavers have to complete the form of application to the IPTA which is know as UPU.But there are many problem when reach part to choose which course will be taken.I also until now didn't fill the form completely yet because i want to know about the universities and also the program that is been offered.

The most popular program now of course 'asasi sains' either biological science(sains hayat) or physical science(sains fizikal) because nowadays many student aim to be a doctor,engineer and all the job that related to the science and technology.

First of all,I will talk about the matriculation program.In matriculation, we can choose three program which is sains hayat,sains fizikal and perakaunan.So, we enter matriculation we can choose these three programs.The differences between these programs are sains hayat=biology,sains fizikal=physics and perakaunan=ekonomi and akaun.Only these subject will be different while others is the same.

Asasi program is same as matriculation program but it will be conducted by the university itself.This program is offered by the university.It is more specific to the course that we want to take for the degree.Such as Asasi kejuruteraan is for engineering course for the degree program.
It same like foundation studies.

Diploma program is the program which many student don't want to go because it take so long about 2 to 3 years to finish it.But it also has its own benefits.We can work after the diploma.Diploma is specific like degree program.So,it will not make we become so confused to choose the course.

Tamhidi means pre-university, matriculation or A’ Level which conducts a 1-year program to prepare candidates with SPM (O’ Level) for admission into the undergraduate programmes offered by the University. The program is designed to fulfill KUIM's aspirations to upgrade the status of Islamic learning, to bring it into the mainstream of national education, to promote a balance between theory and practice and, last but not least, to restore the excellent tradition of Islamic scholarship with the help of the latest technological advances.(info from english/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=41&Itemid=64)

So,now all the program offered we have know a little bit.make your best choice for your future.Don't be so confused when make a choice.You have to look into yourself then decide what is the best for you.What you want to in the future?Think about the job prospect for the other 5 years and don't forget about your interest.Don't make the decision that will make you to force yourself to do job in your career in the future...So make a right decision...Get opinion from others if you can't think it by yourself...

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